2021 A-level Results
A Level Achievement

Uppingham School is proud to recognise the excellent A-level results achieved by our 2021 Leavers.

After a Sixth Form characterised by disruption and uncertainty, we admire the rigour, determination, energy and enthusiasm shown by our Upper Sixth as they navigated the myriad difficulties of the last eighteen months.

These results are not only the outcome of each individual's hard work, but that of our entire school community, who worked together to guide and support every one of our pupils throughout the past academic year.

Pupils’ grades were awarded on the basis of the evidence gathered in a process approved by the examination boards. Their results were obtained through rigorous assessments and coursework, and we were pleased that the external quality assurance process conducted by the exam boards made no changes to the grades awarded.

52% of grades awarded were A* or equivalent, with 85.1% A*A. 69% of our pupils gained straight A*A grades.

These exceptional and merited results have ensured that almost all of our pupils have been offered places at a university of their choice – in the UK and overseas. 

Dr Richard Maloney, Headmaster of Uppingham School, said: “We are delighted to celebrate the achievements of our 2021 Leavers, who have had to endure so many challenges over the last 18 months.

“Their results are a product of their resilience, fortitude, and dedication, coupled with my colleagues' inspirational and brilliant work, teaching and supporting them. I am proud of every one of the Upper Sixth, not only for the grades they achieved, but for the strength of character they have shown and the way they have led the community. They are a superb group of people and we look forward to seeing them transform the world for the better in the future.”

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