Uppingham School typically welcomes in excess of 200 new pupils each year.

Most of these join us in the Fourth Form (Year 9) at the age of 13, when we have space to accommodate 90 boys and 60 girls. In addition, some 15 pupils may join the Lower Fifth (Year 10) and 30 to 35 girls and 15 to 20 boys also join the Sixth Form. There is no provision for weekly or flexi-boarding at Uppingham.

Children may also apply to join us as day pupils. Day pupil applications can be made for Fourth Form, Lower Fifth and Lower Sixth entry, following the standard application processes.

Entry into Years 7 and 8

From September 2025, pupils will also be able to join the school in Year 7 (11+) or Year 8 (12+) in our Lower School House. For enquiries, please contact Sarah Heading, Prospective Parent Liason Coordinator.

Entry into Fourth Form, Lower Fifth and Sixth Form

For 13+, 14+ and 16+ entry, you can see your child's application journey using our calculator below. For prospective pupils born in July or August, we would also be happy to consider them for entry into a year group a year later than that recommended by our entry point calculator.

Enter your child's date of birth to discover the key steps to joining us.
What is your child's date of birth?

Assessment criteria 

We are often asked what qualities we look for in a child who might like to come to Uppingham. The answer is enthusiasm! Pupils need to be prepared to get involved and to engage with the wide array of activities and opportunities that make our school so distinctive. In addition, pupils need to demonstrate appropriate academic ability and independence, which will enable them to flourish in the classroom. 

Admissions Policy

Where do Uppingham pupils come from?

Our pupils come from a wide variety of schools and backgrounds. Typically, the 150 pupils who join us in the Fourth Form (Year 9) come from more than 80 different schools. Pupils include those from overseas families, and up to 20% may not have English as their first language. A further 4% are from British expatriate families. 

Existing family connections with the School are considered favourably, but each applicant must independently meet the academic and social criteria that are examined in the School’s tests. Around 10% of the current pupil body comprises the children of Old Uppinghamians.

International admissions

We welcome international pupils, and admissions can be made directly to the School.
Candidate families applying from mainland China should contact our representatives there: UK Boarding Schools Admissions Service (所有中国大陆的申请者请联系我们官方代表), in the first instance.

Good Schools Guide

The Good Schools Guide is one of the UK's leading school guides.  To read the Uppingham review, please click below.

Good Schools Guide