Uppingham in Bloom awarded Gold for 10th Consecutive Year
Achievement Community

Uppingham School was delighted to be involved once again with Uppingham in Bloom, with the town being awarded Gold in East Midlands in Bloom for the tenth consecutive year.

Uppingham town has been a Bloom member for five decades. Sarah Medley is the current Uppingham in Bloom Chair. Uppingham in Bloom is run by volunteers who work in close collaboration with Uppingham School, as well as local tradespeople, vendors and businesses and organisations such as the Brownies and Rotary Club .

Uppingham’s Gardens team support the town with planting schemes, as well as giving additional technical advice and assistance. Pupils from the Upp&Out Community Gardening initiative, the School and Uppingham in Bloom work together to create colourful and interesting displays around the town for the whole community.

Winning this prestigious award for ten consecutive years is a brilliant achievement, and even more so for a small market town in the East Midlands. Keith Dunne, the School’s Deputy Gardens Manager and a familiar face around town, attended the presentation ceremony alongside two members of the Uppingham in Bloom committee on Wednesday.

Additionally, our Estates Department have provided support to Uppingham in Bloom to improve the Mercers Yard area of the town. Rose Playle, our Head of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, and Josh Mercieca, Head of Estates Services, worked on the project on behalf of the School alongside our Gardens Department, which included renewing the surface for pedestrians, improving light levels, and new seasonal bedding, with work continuing to make this award-winning space even better.

The Mercers Yard project won a Judge’s Award – a brilliant reflection of the hard work and transformative results that have come from the collaboration between Uppingham School and Uppingham in Bloom for the benefit of everyone in the local community.

As a school, we are proud to work closely with the town on these excellent community projects. Well done to the Uppingham in Bloom committee and volunteers, our Gardens and Estates departments, as well as all who have been involved in these outstanding community partnership initiatives.

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