We hope the following information answers any immediate questions you have about our day house, Li Kwok Po House (also known as Li House).

For further information please don't hesitate to contact our Admissions Department on 01572 820611.

About Li House

Will current Day-in-Boarding pupils move to Li House?

Current day-in-boarding pupils could move to the new Day House in September 2024 if they wish to, but there is no expectation at all. And this opportunity to move will only be available for those who wish to move to Li House in September 2024. We will not invite people to make this change. Uppingham will continue to offer 'Day-in-Boarding' places for pupils, and their families, who prefer that option, mindful that space will be limited. In effect, there is no change for existing day-in-boarding families.


What will the catering provision be for day pupils? 

A continental-style breakfast will be provided daily in the house and will be included within school day fee.

Snacks can be bought at breaks in the Main and Science Butteries, or be prepared by the pupils in the Li House kitchen. 

For lunch, the whole house family will eat in the Main Buttery (it is included in the Day Pupil Fee). Eating lunch as a House is an important part of our culture and pastoral care. 

A packed tea is available for pupils who are required by the school to stay later than 18.00 for an evening commitment (this is included in the day fee).  

On Saturday, lunch is more informal and ‘grab and go’, and Li House pupils will be able to collect a packed lunch from the Main Buttery to eat as they travel to away fixtures, or in Li House prior to their afternoon sporting commitments.  

“Late House” - on evenings when there is a year group or whole House social activity the Housemaster will order food in, e.g. pizza before an Alternative Music Society event.  

Academic Life

How competitive is the entry into Uppingham?

The Uppingham curriculum is challenging, so we insist on a certain level of academic ability in the pupils we admit. The breadth and flexibility of the curriculum enables us to personalise learning to suit each pupil’s interests, aptitudes, and aspirations. We anticipate that there will be more applicants than places available, and entry will be by a competitive 'Test and Interview' process.

Co-curricular Programme

Will Li House pupils be able to get involved in all the co-curricular opportunities Uppingham offers?  

Pupils will be encouraged to participate fully in the co-curricular life of the School. All Fourth Form (Year 9) pupils are expected to do at least three co-curricular activities each week. These activities finish by 18.00. 

Participation in some activities, for example, sport, drama, and music, may involve a significant commitment to sessions after lessons and at weekends and day pupils will be encouraged to get involved as much as possible.  

Day pupils will be offered the chance to sign up for all school trips in the same way as boarders.   

Will Li House pupils be included in evening and weekend social activities?  

Day pupils will be offered the opportunity to attend evening and weekend social activities. Although there will be no obligation to attend, we will encourage all Li House pupils to get involved as much as they can in order to have a full Uppingham experience.  

On occasion, the House Parent, Deputy House Parent, or tutors may arrange social events for the pupils, as well as keeping Li House open on the occasions that pupils are attending whole year group events.   

If Li House pupils are attending an evening event, which starts after 19.00, where will the pupils be able to change?  

For certain whole year group events, for example Alternative Music Society events, formal dinners, or the House Singing Competition, which might start after 19.00, the House Parent will arrange a 'Late House' for the pupils involved.   


Will Li House pupils have access to the services of the School's Health Centre? 

Day pupils will be registered with their usual GP.  School nurses at Uppingham School's Health Centre, Woodfield, will, however, be able to administer immediate care for pupils who are unwell. Matrons in Li House will also be able to assist in terms of First Aid. Access to free counselling services will continue to be available to all pupils should it be required. Private psychologist or psychiatrist appointments can also be facilitated through Woodfield, at an additional cost. 


Will the School be introducing minibuses? 

Yes, the service will be introduced from September 2024. More information is available here.