Upper Sixth Examination Success
A Level Examination Results

Uppinghamians will be very proud of their achievements in this year’s A level and Pre-U examinations with more than a third of the Upper Sixth gaining at least three A grades or equivalent.  Overall, the number of examinations awarded an A* or equivalent has risen significantly to 17%, from 14% in 2017, with 54% of grades awarded A* or A and 80% at A*-B.
There have been excellent results in the STEM subjects.  In Pre-U Chemistry 81% of the grades were A*A equivalent; 78% were A*A in Further Mathematics, and 68% A*A in Pre-U Physics.  In all of the Pre-U subjects the success rate was high with 42% of grades awarded a distinction.  Eleven pupils achieved the most challenging D1 grade.

The academic success is not confined just to Science and Maths, our pupils have excelled across all subjects most notably in English where 30% of all grades were awarded A*; in Spanish 100% A*-B, and in Art/Textiles also 100% A*-B.

There have been some exceptional individual performances, and our congratulations go to Kamil Bujel, Matthew Cooke, Chet Hindocha, Wen Yeh Lee, Charlotte O’Hern, Anson Poon and Nate Sizova who are all gained four A* grades  or equivalent, and Edna Au, Olivia Fleming, Abby McCagney, Guy Parker and Rosa Wang, who between them accumulated 14 A*s and two As.

University places have been confirmed at many of the best universities, both in the UK and globally, including Oxford, Cambridge, the LSE, Durham, St. Andrews, Imperial College, University College and King’s College, London, as well as the University of Chicago, NYU and Dartmouth University in the USA. Places have also been secured at some of the best creative schools in the country such as the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Camberwell College of Arts.

Dr Richard Maloney, Headmaster, said: “I am delighted that this year’s Upper Sixth pupils have excelled in a year when the academic environment has been more challenging than ever. It is hugely rewarding for those of us involved in supporting the pupils through their studies to see them accomplish great things.

Uppinghamians and their teachers have performed exceptionally well and their dedication and commitment has been rewarded.  And, arguably, just as important as their academic success, this year’s Upper Sixth have left a wonderful, positive, progressive legacy that has shaped the School community for the better”.

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